Coffee: To Drink or Not to Drink?

“Written By / Weng Shu Chen (MJ Nutrition Tutor)”

“Fancy a cuppa?”, is a phrase we commonly heard in our daily life. Nowadays, coffee has become the essential part of most people’s lives. However, people have mixed feelings about its good and bad. Here we will share the health benefits and possible side effects of coffee consumption in this article, regardless of the storage and roasting methods of coffee beans.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee?

1. Boosts energy level, improves brain function and memory, have anti-depressant effect

2. Improves blood circulation and cardiac function by dilating blood vessels

3. Helps in digestion and breakdown of fats

4. Reduces the risk of colorectal cancer

5. Prevents formation of gallstone

6. Reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease

Side Effects (If overdosed)

1. Caffeine overdose (3-4 cups of coffee/day) can cause anxiety, nervousness and emotional stress

   2. Diuretic effect

3. May lead to cardiovascular disease (especially when large amount of sugar and creamer are added)

   4. May increase the risk of having rheumatoid arthritis

5. Osteoporosis

How to enjoy coffee safely for maximum health benefits?

1. Normal adults: limit to 4 cups or less in a day (caffeine <300mg)

2. Pregnant women: Safety of coffee consumption during pregnancy is still a controversial issue, general suggestion is to limit to 2 cups a day.

3. Refrain intake for patients with heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases that need to restrict potassium intake.

4. Children below 12 years old should avoid coffee consumption.

5. Increased calcium intake at the same time, especially postmenopausal women as the lack of estrogen may speed up calcium loss

6. Best consume after meal as it can help in digestion. Avoid to drink after dinner to prevent sleep disturbance